MGnify API data hunt

This tutorial provides an introduction to the API (Application Programming Interface) and tools & methods that can be used to access microbiome data programmatically from MGnify. You will learn about the structure of the API and the data, as well as how to write scripts to analyze data programmatically.

info These instructions assume you are using the EBI Training Virual Machines. If you’re running this on your own computer instead, remember that some file paths will be different. In particular, /home/training/ will be /home/<yourusername>.

Learning objectives

  • Understand how to access data using MGnify API

  • Understand how to filter data sets using metadata

  • Learn how to write scripts to programmatically access to the data


For this tutorial you will need a install the software using miniconda and a working directory to store the data.

Miniconda has been pre-installed in the VM but it is easy to install, instructions here.

Open the terminal and execute the following instructions:

mkdir -p /home/training/api_session

cd /home/training/api_session

conda create -n mgnify-api python=3.8

conda activate mgnify-api

pip install pandas numpy scipy plotnine jsonapi-client mg-toolkit requests

curl | tar xz --strip 1

You have just created a directory to store all the data, installed the required software and downloaded the scripts and expected results from the EBI ftp server.

An introduction to MGnify REST API

MGnify is a freely avaiable hub for the analysis and exploration of metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, amplicon and assembled datasets. The resource provides rich functional and taxonomic analyses of user-submitted sequences, as well as analysis of publicly avaiable metagenomic datasets drawn from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA).

How to browse data using MGnify REST API

The MGnify REST API allows retrieval of over 400.000 (and counting) publicy avaiable metagenomics, metatranscriptomic, amplicon and assembly datasets, sampled from diverse environments.

The base URL to the API is:

The API documentation at:

MGnify API website

Figure 1: MGnify API browser.

The base URL provides access to several resource collections, such as studies samples, runs, analyses, genomes, biomes and experiment-types

action Open in your browser. This will a paginated list of all of the publicy available studies. Now open the list of samples using:

info Details about a single project can be retrieved by providing a unique identifier assigned during the archiving process. For example, provides access to the Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) 2014 project.

action Retrieve the list of samples contained in this study using the following URL: Explore the response, at the bottom of the page you can find the number of pages that match this query.

action Now, retrieve all the analyses performed on this study using:

question Question 1: Is the number of samples the same as the number of analyses?. What could be the reason?

info Parameters can be added to the URL to filter and sort the data, allowing the construction of more complex queries. The API browser lists the filters that are avaiable, as ilustrated in Figures 2 and 3.

Endpoint filter menu indicated

Figure 2: Filters menu in MGnify API browser.

Endpoint filter menu

Figure 3: Filters pop up menu for the Genomes list endpoint.

question Question 2: Using the API browser, how many results have been analysed with the pipeline version 4.0 for the OSD study ERP009703?

Programmatic access

In the next few exercies we are going to utilize some Python scripts to interact with the MGnify REST API programmatically.

The data and scripts are also available in the source code of this documentation.

Data exchange format

The industry default data exchange format for Web API is JSON. This format is a compact and human-readable way of representing data. A brief overview of the format json.

The MGnify REST API returns a JSON object formatted data structure that contains the resource type, associated object identifier, attributes and relationships to other resources, allowing the construction of complex queries.

Example JSON response

Figure 4: MGnify response output in JSON format.

Standardized format data structures allow third party libraries in many programing languages to easily access data programmatically.

Exercise 1

In this exercise you will browse sample metadata and visualise analysis results. First we are going to look at retrieving samples that match particular metadata search criteria.

action Read the code of the script. This script is using the API to obtain a subset of the samples.

question Question 3: What “type” of data is the script downloading?. Which filters are being used to get the filtered data from the API?.

action Run the script in the console:


info Using these few lines of Python, we are able to retrieve the complete set of oceanographic samples taken at the Arctic Ocean (latitude > 70) across all publicly available studies in MGnify.

action Inspect the generated exercise1.csv file.

Exercise 1 CSV file

Figure 5: Exercise 1 retrieved data in CSV format.

question Question 4: How might you adapt the script to find soil samples taken at the equator?.

action Add an additional parameter ‘“study_accession”: “MGYS00000462”’ to the filters section in the script and run it again. You can check the study in the website MGYS00000462.

question Question 5: How many of the OSD2014 samples were taken from the Arctic Ocean?

Exercise 2

For this exercise we will use the MGnify REST API to obtain data and then visualize the analysis results of the study “Metabolically active microbial communities in marine sediment under high-CO2 and low-pH extremes MGYS00002474 (DRP001073). In this study, DNA was extracted from sub-seafloor sediments and domain specific 16S rRNA gene primers were used to profile the archaeal and bacterial taxonomic communities.

We will begin by retrieving taxonomic analysis data and then plotting relative abundance in the form of bar charts.

action Open the file Read the code, even if you don’t understand python the variables and constants at the beginning of the file will allow the script to be easily modified. Note, there are a series study accessions that are currently commented out which will allow you to rerun the analysis with other projects. Ignore them for the time being and run the code with MGYS00002474 and inspect the resultant bar chart.

Bar chart of the microbiome diversity in the study MGYS00002474 (DRP001073) at the phylum level.

Figure 6: Microbiome diversity in the study MGYS00002474 (DRP001073) at the phylum level.

question Question 6: How similar or different are the phylum compositions of each analysis?. How might you explain any differences?.

question Question 7: How many of the analyses look to target bacterial populations and how many are targeting the archaea?

info It’s easy to adapt the script for other analyses. For example, if you change the variable TAX_RANK (line 13 in to “genus” you can obtain the genus level results.

question Question 8: How might you adapt the code for the analysis of other studies:

  • perform analysis of taxonomic results bases on the large ribosomal subunit rRNA or the ITS region for fungi?

  • output the top 20 genera, rather that the top 10?

Exercise 3

For this exercise we will use the MGnify REST API and the MG-Toolkit to download analysis files. The toolkit is a command line application. At the moment of writing this the toolkit doesn’t support MGnify genomes, for this resource we will use the MGnify REST API.

info We installed the toolkit when we created the conda environment.

question Question 9: What type of data can we download using the Toolkit?.

action Download the metadata for the study “DRP001073 (MGYS00002474)”. Execute the following command:

mg-toolkit original_metadata -a DRP001073

info Explore the generated csv file DRP001073.csv. Can you notice if there is something wrong with the metadata?

action Let’s download the functional annotations for one study. Run the following command in the terminal:

mg-toolkit bulk_download -a MGYS00005575 --result_group pathways_and_systems

info This may take a few minutes.

question Question 10: Based on the files the toolkit has downloaded, how many analyses has the study MGYS00005575?.

info For the genome resource we will use the API directly to obtain all the Download files for the genome: MGYG-HGUT-04644

action Open the file Read the code. This script will download all the files from the download’s relationship for the selected genome.

Execute the script to fetch the files:


action Explore the different files that were downloaded.

question Question 11: How could you modify the script to download the other functional annotations?.


To get the solutions to all the questions and R versions of the scripts follow this link.