MAG generation

  • Generation of metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) from assemblies

  • Assessment of quality (MIGMAGs)

  • Taxonomic assignment

image1 These instructions assume you are using the EBI Training Virual Machines. If you’re running this on your own computer instead, remember that some file paths will be different. In particular, /home/training/ will be /home/<yourusername>.


For this tutorial you will need to first start the docker container by running:

sudo docker run --rm -it -v /home/training/Data/Binning:/opt/data microbiomeinformatics/mgnify-ebi-2020-binning


It’s possible that the docker image is not available in dockerhub. In that case you can build the container using the Dockerfile

To build the container, download the Dockerfile and run “docker build -t microbiomeinformatics/mgnify-ebi-2020-binning .” in the folder that contains the Dockerfile.

password: training

Generating metagenome assembled genomes

image1 Learning Objectives - in the following exercises you will learn how to bin an assembly, assess the quality of this assembly with checkM and then visualise a placement of these genomes within a reference tree.

image1 As with the assembly process, there are many software tools available for binning metagenome assemblies. Examples include, but are not limited to:





There is no clear winner between these tools, so the best is to experiment and compare a few different ones to determine which works best for your dataset. For this exercise we will be using MetaBAT (specifically, MetaBAT2). The way in which MetaBAT bins contigs together is summarised in Figure 1.


Figure 1. MetaBAT workflow (Kang, et al. PeerJ 2015).

image1 Prior to running MetaBAT, we need to generate coverage statistics by mapping reads to the contigs. To do this, we can use bwa ( and then the samtools software ( to reformat the output. Again, this can take some time, so we have run it in advance. To repeat the process, you would run the following commands:

# index the contigs file that was produced by metaSPAdes:
bwa index contigs.fasta

# map the original reads to the contigs:
bwa mem contigs.fasta ERR011322_1.fastq ERR011322_2.fastq > input.fastq.sam

# reformat the file with samtools:
samtools view -Sbu input.fastq.sam > junk
samtools sort junk input.fastq.sam

We should now have the files we need for the rest of the process – the assemblies themselves (contigs.fasta) and a file from which we can generate the coverage stats (input.fastq.sam.bam).

Running MetaBAT

image3 Create a subdirectory where files will be output:

cd /opt/data/assemblies/
mkdir contigs.fasta.metabat-bins2000

In this case, the directory might already be part of your VM, so do not worry if you get an error saying the directory already exists. You can move on to the next step.

image3 Run the following command to produce a contigs.fasta.depth.txt file, summarising the output depth for use with MetaBAT:

jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths --outputDepth contigs.fasta.depth.txt input.fastq.sam.bam

image3 Now you can run MetaBAT as:

metabat2 --inFile  contigs.fasta --outFile contigs.fasta.metabat-bins2000/bin --abdFile contigs.fasta.depth.txt --minContig 2000

image3 Once the binning process is complete, each bin will be grouped into a multi-fasta file with a name structure of bin.[0-9].fa.

image3 Inspect the output of the binning process.

ls contigs.fasta.metabat-bins2000/bin*

image4 How many bins did the process produce?

image4 How many sequences are in each bin?

Obviously, not all bins will have the same level of accuracy since some might represent a very small fraction of a potential species present in your dataset. To further assess the quality of the bins we will use CheckM (

Running CheckM

image1 CheckM has its own reference database of single-copy marker genes. Essentially, based on the proportion of these markers detected in the bin, the number of copies of each and how different they are, it will determine the level of completeness, contamination and strain heterogeneity of the predicted genome.

image3 Before we start, we need to configure checkM.

checkm data setRoot /opt/data/checkm_data

This program has some handy tools not only for quality control, but also for taxonomic classification, assessing coverage, building a phylogenetic tree, etc. The most relevant ones for this exercise are wrapped into the lineage_wf workflow.

Now run CheckM with the following command:

checkm lineage_wf -x fa contigs.fasta.metabat-bins2000 checkm_output --tab_table -f --reduced_tree -t 4

Due to memory constraints (< 40 GB), we have added the option –reduced_tree to build the phylogeny with a reduced number of reference genomes.

Once the lineage_wf analysis is done, the reference tree can be found in checkm_output/storage/tree/concatenated.tre.

Additionally, you will have the taxonomic assignment and quality assessment of each bin in the file with the corresponding level of completeness, contamination and strain heterogeneity (Fig. 2). A quick way to infer the overall quality of the bin is to calculate the level of (completeness - 5*contamination). You should be aiming for an overall score of at least 70-80%.

You can inspect the CheckM output with:



Figure 2. Example output of CheckM

Before we can visualize and plot the tree we will need to convert the reference ID names used by CheckM to taxon names. We have already prepared a mapping file for renaming the tree ( We can then do this easily with the newick utilities (

To do this, run the following command:

nw_rename checkm_output/storage/tree/concatenated.tre > renamed.tree

Visualising the phylogenetic tree

We will now plot and visualize the tree we have produced. A quick and user- friendly way to do this is to use the web-based interactive Tree of Life (iTOL):

iTOL only takes in newick formatted trees, so we need to quickly reformat the tree with FigTree (

In order to open FigTree navigate to: Home -> Data -> Binning -> FigTree_v1.4.4 -> lib -> figtree.jar

image3  Open the renamed.tree file with FigTree (File -> Open) and then select from the toolbar File -> Export Trees. In the Tree file format select Newick and export the file as renamed.nwk (or choose a name you will recognise if you plan to use the shared account described below).

image3 To use iTOL you will need a user account. For the purpose of this tutorial we have already created one for you with an example tree. The login is as follows:

User: EBI_training

Password: EBI_training

After you login, just click on My Trees in the toolbar at the top and select

IBD_checkm.nwk from the Imported trees workspace.

Alternatively, if you want to create your own account and plot the tree yourself follow these steps:

1) After you have created and logged in to your account go to My Trees

2) From there select Upload tree files and upload the tree you exported from FigTree

3) Once uploaded, click the tree name to visualize the plot

4) To colour the clades and the outside circle according to the phylum of each strain, drag and drop the files iTOL_clades.txt and iTOL_ocircles.txt present in /home/training/Data/Binning/iTOL_Files/ into the browser window

Once that is done, all the reference genomes used by CheckM will be coloured according to their phylum name, while all the other ones left blank correspond to the target genomes we placed in the tree. Highlighting each tip of the phylogeny will let you see the whole taxon/sample name. Feel free to play around with the plot.

image4 Does the CheckM taxonomic classification make sense? What about the unknowns? What is their most likely taxon?