Quality control and filtering of the raw sequence files

image1 These instructions assume you are using the EBI Training Virual Machines. If you’re running this on your own computer instead, remember that some file paths will be different. In particular, /home/training/ will be /home/<yourusername>.


For this tutorial you will need to move into the working directory. All the required files should be here, or can be downloaded using the tarball from http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/metagenomics/mgnify_courses/ebi_2020/

cd /home/training/Data/Quality/files
chmod -R 777 /home/training/Data/Quality
export DATADIR=/home/training/Data/Quality/files
xhost +

Finally, start the docker container in the following way:

docker run --rm -it  -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY  -v $DATADIR:/opt/data -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY microbiomeinformatics/mgnify-ebi-2020-qc-asssembly


It’s possible that the docker image is not available in dockerhub. In that case you can build the container using the Dockerfile

To build the container, download the Dockerfile and run “docker build -t microbiomeinformatics/mgnify-ebi-2020-qc-asssembly .” in the folder that contains the Dockerfile.

Quality control and filtering of the raw sequence files

image1 Learning Objectives - in the following exercises you will learn how to check on the quality of short read sequences: identify the presence of adaptor sequences, remove both adaptors and low quality sequences. You will also learn how to construct a reference database for host decontamination.

image2 First go to your working area, the data that you downloaded has been mounted in /opt/data in the docker container.

cd /opt/data

image1 Here you should see the same contents as you had in the working directory. As we write into this directory, we should be able to see this from inside the container, and on the filesystem of the computer running this container. We will use this to our advantage as we go through this practical. Unless stated otherwise all of the following commands should be executed in the terminal running the Docker container.

image2 Generate a directory of the fastqc results

cd /opt/data
mkdir fastqc_results
fastqc oral_human_example_1_splitaa.fastq.gz
fastqc oral_human_example_2_splitaa.fastq.gz
mv /opt/data/*.zip /opt/data/fastqc_results
mv /opt/data/*.html /opt/data/fastqc_results

image2 Now on your local computer, go to the browser, and File -> Open File. Use the file navigator to select the following file



Spend some time looking at the ‘Per base sequence quality’.

image1 For each position a BoxWhisker type plot is drawn. The elements of the plot are as follows:

  • The central red line is the median value

  • The yellow box represents the inter-quartile range (25-75%)

  • The upper and lower whiskers represent the 10% and 90% points

  • The blue line represents the mean quality

The y-axis on the graph shows the quality scores. The higher the score the better the base call. The background of the graph divides the y axis into very good quality calls (green), calls of reasonable quality (orange), and calls of poor quality (red). The quality of calls on most platforms will degrade as the run progresses, so it is common to see base calls falling into the orange area towards the end of a read.

image3 What does this tell you about your sequence data? When do the errors start?

In the pre-processed files we see two warnings, as shown on the left side of the report. Navigate to the “Per bases sequence content”


image3 At around 15-19 nucleotides, the DNA composition becomes very even, however, a the 5’ end of the sequence there  are distinct differences. Why do you think that is?

image2 Open up the FastQC report corresponding to the reversed reads.

image3 Are there any significant differences between to the forward and reverse files?

For more information on the FastQC report, please consult the ‘Documentation’ available from this site: https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/

image2 We are currently only looking at two files but often we want to look at many files. The tool multiqc aggregates the FastQC results across many samples and creates a single report for easy comparison. Here we will demonstrate the use of this tool

cd /opt/data
mkdir multiqc_results
multiqc fastqc_results -o multiqc_results

In this case, we provide the folder containing the fastqc results to multiqc and the -o allows us to set the output directory for this summarised report.

image2 Now on your local computer, open the summary report from MultiQC. To do so, go to your browser, and use File -> Open File. Use the file navigator to select the following file



image2 Scroll down through the report. The sequence quality histograms show the following results from each file as two separate lines. The ‘Status Checks’ show a matrix of which samples passed check and which ones have problems.

image3 What fraction of reads are duplicates?

image1 So, far we have looked at the raw files and assessed their content, but we have not done anything about removing duplicates, sequences with low quality scores or removal of the adaptors. So, lets start this process. The first step in the process is to make a database relevant for decontaminating the sample. It is always good to routinely screen for human DNA (which may come from the host and/or staff performing the experiment). However, if the sample is say from mouse, you would want to download the the mouse genome.

image2 In the following exercise, we are going to use two “genomes” already downloaded for you in the decontamination folder. To make this tutorial quicker and smaller in terms of file sizes, we are going to use PhiX (a common spike in) and just chromosome 10 from human.

cd /opt/data/decontamination

For the next step we need one file, so we want to merge the two different fasta files. This is simply done using the command line tool cat.

cat phix.fasta GRCh38_chr10.fasta > GRCh38_phix.fasta

Now we need to build a bowtie index for them:

bowtie2-build GRCh38_phix.fasta GRCh38_phix.index

image1 It is possible to automatically download a pre-indexed human genome in Bowtie2 format using the following command (but do not do this now, as this will take a while to download):

kneaddata_database –download human_genome bowtie2

image2 Now we are going to use the GRCh38_phix database and clean-up our raw sequences. kneaddata is a helpful wrapper script for a number of pre-processing tools, including Bowtie2 to screen out contaminant sequences, and Trimmomatic to exclude low-quality sequences. We also have written wrapper scripts to run these tools (see below), but using kneaddata allows for more flexibility in options.

cd /opt/data/
mkdir clean

We now need to uncompress the fastq files.

gunzip -c oral_human_example_2_splitaa.fastq.gz > oral_human_example_2_splitaa.fastq
gunzip -c oral_human_example_1_splitaa.fastq.gz > oral_human_example_1_splitaa.fastq

kneaddata --remove-intermediate-output -t 2 --input oral_human_example_1_splitaa.fastq --input oral_human_example_2_splitaa.fastq --output /opt/data/clean --reference-db /opt/data/decontamination/GRCh38_phix.index --bowtie2-options "--very-sensitive --dovetail" --trimmomatic-options "SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:50"

image1 The options above are:

* –input, Input FASTQ file. This option is given twice as we have paired-end data.

* –output, Output directory.

* –reference-db, Path to bowtie2 database for decontamination.

* -t, # Number of threads to use (2 in this case).

* –trimmomatic-options, Options for Trimmomatic to use, in quotations (“SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:50” in this case). See the Trimmomatic website for more options.

* –bowtie2-options, Options for bowtie2 to use, in quotations. The options “–very-sensitive” and “–dovetail” set the alignment parameters to be very sensitive and sets cases where mates extend past each other to be concordant (i.e. they will be called as contaminants and be excluded).

* –remove-intermediate-output, Intermediate files, including large FASTQs, will be removed.

Kneaddata generates multiple outputs in the “clean” directory, containing different 4 different files for each read.

image2 Using what you have learned previously, generate a fastqc report for each of the oral_human_example_1_splitaa_kneaddata_paired files.  Do this within the clean directory.

cd /opt/data/clean
mkdir fastqc_final
<you construct the commands>
mv /opt/data/clean/*.zip /opt/data/clean/fastqc_final
mv /opt/data/clean/*.html /opt/data/clean/fastqc_final

image2 Also generate a multiqc report and look at the sequence quality historgrams.

cd /opt/data/clean
mkdir multiqc_final
<you construct the command>

image2 View the multiQC report as before using your browser. You should see something like this:


image3 Open the previous MultiQC report and see if they have improved?

image3 Did sequences at the 5’ end become uniform? Why might that be? Is there anything that suggests that adaptor sequences were found?

image2 To generate a summary file of how the sequence were categorised by Kneaddata, run the following command.

cd /opt/data
kneaddata_read_count_table --input /opt/data/clean --output kneaddata_read_counts.txt
less kneaddata_read_counts.txt

image3 What fraction of reads have been deemed to be contaminating?

image1 The reads have now be decontaminated any can be uploaded to ENA, one of the INSDC members. It is beyond the scope of this course to include a tutorial on how to submit to ENA, but there is additional information available on how to do this in this Online Training guide provided by EMBL-EBI


Assembly PhiX decontamination

image1 Learning Objectives - in the following exercises you will generate a PhiX blast database, and run a blast search with a subset of assembled freshwater sediment metagenomic reads, to identify contamination.

PhiX, used in the previous section of this practical, is a small bacteriophage genome typically used as a calibration control in sequencing runs. Most library preparations will use PhiX at low concentrations, however it can still appear in the sequencing run. If not filtered out, PhiX can form small spurious contigs which could be incorrectly classified as diversity.

image2 Generate the PhiX reference blast database

cd /opt/data/decontamination
makeblastdb -in phix.fasta -input_type fasta -dbtype nucl -parse_seqids -out phix_blastDB

image2 Prepare the freshwater sediment example assembly file and search against the new blast database. This assembly file contains only a subset of the contigs for the purpose of this practical.

cd /opt/data
gunzip -c freshwater_sediment_contigs.fa.gz > freshwater_sediment_contigs.fa
blastn -query freshwater_sediment_contigs.fa -db decontamination/phix_blastDB -task megablast -word_size 28 -best_hit_overhang 0.1 -best_hit_score_edge 0.1 -dust yes -evalue 0.0001 -min_raw_gapped_score 100 -penalty -5 -soft_masking true -window_size 100 -outfmt 6 -out freshwater_blast_out.txt

image1 The blast options are:

* -query, Input assembly fasta filee.

* -out, Output file

* -db, Path to blast database.

* -task, Search type -“megablast”, for very similar sequences (e.g, sequencing errors)

* -word_size, Length of initial exact match

image2Add headers to the blast output and look at the contents of the final output file

cat blast_outfmt6.txt freshwater_blast_out.txt > freshwater_blast_out_headers.txt
less freshwater_blast_out_headers.txt

image3Are the hits significant?

image3What are the lengths of the matching contigs? We would typically filter metagenomic contigs at a length of 500bp. Would any PhiX contamination remain even after this filter?

image1Now that PhiX contamination was identified, it is important to remove these contigs from the assembly file before further analysis or upload to public archives.

Using Negative Controls

image1 Learning Objectives - This exercise will look at the analysis of negative controls. You will assess the microbial diversity between a negative control and skin sample.

The images below show the taxonomic classification of two samples: a reagent negative control and a skin metagenomic sample. The skin sample is taken from the antecubital fossa - the elbow crease, which is moist and site of high microbial diversity. The classification was performed with kraken2. Kraken2 takes a while to run, so we have done this for you and plotted the results. An example of the command used to do this:

kraken2 –db standard_db –threshold 0.10 –threads 8 –use-names –fastq-input –report out.report –gzip-compressed in_1.fastq.gz in_2.fastq.gz

See the kraken2 manual for more information: https://github.com/DerrickWood/kraken2/wiki/Manual

See Pavian manual for the plots: https://ccb.jhu.edu/software/pavian/

image1The following image shows the microbial abundance in the negative control


image1The following image shows the microbial abundance in the skin sample


image2Look for similarities and differences at both the phylum and genus level - labelled as ‘P’ and ‘G’ on the bottom axis.

image3Is there any overlap between the negative control and skin sample phylum? Can we map the negative control directly to the skin sample to remove all contaminants? If not, why?

image3Are there any genera in the negative control which aren’t present in the skin sample? If you do a google search of this genus, where are they commonly found? With this information, where could this bacteria in the negative control have originated from?

image1For more practice assessing and trimming datasets, there is another set of raw reads called “skin_example_aa” from the skin metagenome available. These will require a fastqc or multiqc report, followed by trimming and mapping to the reference database with kneaddata. Using what you have learned previously, construct the relevant commands. Remember to check the quality before and after trimming.

Hint: Consider other trimmomatic options from the manual http://www.usadellab.org/cms/uploads/supplementary/Trimmomatic/TrimmomaticManual_V0.32.pdf e.g. “ILLUMINACLIP”, where /opt/data/NexteraPE-PE is a file of adapters.

image2Navigate to skin folder and run quality control

cd /opt/data/skin
<construct the required commands>